HI TecMetal Group (Cleveland Ohio) has chosen Ipsen to Replace HiTech Aero’s 42 year old 48x48x60 2 bar vacuum furnace

HI TecMetal Group of OHIO (HTG) has chosen Ipsen to update one of our vacuum furnaces, built in 1978. HTG has made significant investments in furnace technology to expand our production capability and gain the ability to enter into new markets.

The heating chamber plays an important role in systems for brazing and metal heat treatment. Its condition determines the general performance of the overall equipment, power consumption and temperature uniformity, to meet the stringent requirements of AMS 2750. The hot zone is frequently considered the heart of the entire vacuum furnace system. However, a routine furnace maintenance schedule, proper and diligent use of the furnace helped HTG achieve phenomenal life for the high temperature furnace. Older age, and a continuing focus on providing the best in metal treatment services, rather than wear and tear contributed to HTG’s decision to replace the furnace vessel and heating chamber.
Replacement of the heating chamber guarantees trouble-free operation of the furnace, better temperature distribution, uniformity, increased process cleanliness and superior safety.
HTG will also include in the upgrade a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) control system. Its architecture will be comprised of computers, networked data communications and graphical user interface (HMI) PLC and discrete PID controllers to interface with process plant and machinery. The use of SCADA has been chosen for the management and operations of the project-driven-process by HTG.
HTG plans that the furnace will be back in service in late 3rd quarter of 2020. HTG can confidently say that the Ipsen technology advancements will increase the furnaces efficiency and productivity allowing HTG to better serve our customers for many years to come.
Please contact HI TecMetal Group (HTG) directly with any questions you may have regarding our metal treatment capabilities and services – Contact HTG.